In the Waiting Room

I was born in October. The trees sing happy birthday to me every year with their explosion of colors and vibrant beauty. Every year my mom tells me the story of how she remembers looking out the window after giving birth to me and seeing all the beautiful foliage. This must be why fall is my favorite season. There’s even a different smell in the air. You know what I mean? Fall invokes happiness and celebration within me.

Winter is by far my least favorite season. I hate, hate being cold. I especially hate the long, grey days. When February rolls around each year, it starts to feel like winter will never, ever end. But even winter has it’s own special charms. We recently moved to Colorado…the snow-covered mountains are spectacular. I’m also learning how to ski and beginning to embrace the appeal of snow. There’s beauty even in winter. In fact, this is the first year I’m actually looking forward to it (did I just say that?).

Different seasons conjure up different emotions and memories. Am I right? When we choose to follow God, we experience different seasons in our spiritual growth too. When our faith is new we experience “spring” and our lives explode with new growth and energy. There are also busy seasons, dry seasons, and grieving seasons.

Currently, God has me in a season of waiting. I am right smack dab in the middle of it and some days it feels just like winter…never-ending. Some days feel long and dark. However, I’ve learned that this season is only as long and dark as I allow it to be. Seasons are what you make of them. We choose whether we see beauty in them or not.

I am no stranger to the season of waiting. Despite my previous experience in the waiting room, however, I can’t say I’m any more fond of it. Waiting is tiring and draining. It can elicit anxiety, depression and fear. And most definitely doubt. Did God abandon me here? Does He still care? Is He even listening? Hello?????? Lord, are you up there? But those are just lies the enemy wants us to believe. Did God really mean it when He said he would never leave you or forsake you? If God really cared about you He would give you an answer right now. All those things you believed about God, aren’t really real. LIES!!! LIES!!! LIES!!!  The truth is…He is there! He is real! And He does care! The enemy wants to fool us into thinking otherwise. Don’t let him. Simple as that.

Yes, waiting is hard….excruciatingly hard sometimes. And yes, God can “seem” non-existent during these times. So, what should we do while we’re in the waiting room? First things first, we turn to God’s word. If we believe His promises are true…then they will be soothing to our soul. Personally I love to read the Psalms. It helps to know that I’m not alone. I am comforted to know that it’s ok to cry out to Him in my impatience.

How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? – Psalm 13:1-2

It is also helpful for me to remember that God is doing other things I cannot see. I must trust Him in that. While the Israelites were waiting for deliverance from slavery, God was raising up Moses. It takes time to raise up a hero you know…he had to learn how to walk, talk and eat mashed beans first. They couldn’t possibly have known God was carefully positioning him within Pharaoh’s palace before using him to free an entire nation. How could they have known? Likewise, I have no idea what God is doing in other areas of my life. I’m eagerly anticipating what it will be though. Right now I feel like I’m on the edge of my seat at a good movie waiting to see what’s going to happen next. Whatever it is, I know it will be good. That’s His promise.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28

A waiting season is never a wasted season. – Craig Groeschel

I am also being watchful. I’m not just sitting in the waiting room twiddling my thumbs and playing candy crush. I’m actively listening. I know God has things to tell me while I’m here. I am searching His Word with an open ear. I am praying with intention…asking God to reveal in me things He wants me to know. Waiting isn’t necessarily passive. It’s actually a very active time when we read, pray, listen and grow. I love this image…

I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what He will say to me, and what answer I am to give to his complaint. – Habakkuk 2:1

I am grateful. My current situation could so easily drag me down into despair but I am choosing to be grateful for all the ways God is meeting me in this season. Not only is He giving me a space (both literally and figuratively) in which to pray and ponder (and blog!) but He is meeting other needs I didn’t even know I needed if that makes sense. I will not allow the enemy to hand me over to desperation and depression. I am most grateful that the enemy does not have authority over me!!

So, dear friend, are you in a season of waiting? If so, embrace it…no matter how difficult. Even the coldest season has something to offer. Pray and ask God to open your ears to what He wants you to learn during this time. Be intentional during this season. Be watchful. Be grateful. And above all, remember … seasons are only temporary (see what I did there?).

I waited patiently for the Lordhe turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. – Psalm 40:3

About The Author


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