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Dry Bones

It was just like any other Sunday. We shoved down breakfast, rushed out the door, and made it to church just in the nick of time. I didn’t think anything of it. Little did I know, it would be the Sunday that changed the course of my life forever.  My son was heading into his teen years at the time. I started noticing that his behavior was different. He was more sullen. I couldn’t put my finger on it but knew something was amiss. I didn’t know whether to blame it on puberty…

His name is Isaac

This call was different than the dozens I had received before it. The caseworker on the other line said, “there was a baby born yesterday. It seems his mom has disappeared. Can you foster him while we try to locate her?” And then the very next thing she said sent chills down my spine. I had already adopted 3 children from Korea. My heart was full of the joy they gave me. When they got a little bit older I decided to start fostering. Partially because I saw a huge need. Mostly because I selfishly wanted a baby…

Armed & Dangerous (part 1)

I’m no stranger to the valley. I’ve passed through more than one valley in my lifetime. But there is something especially different about this particular valley I’m in right now. Not only has it been deeper and darker than most but it’s almost as if there’s an ominous presence lurking. You know that feeling you get when you’re sleeping and sense someone is standing there staring at you in the middle of the night? If you’re the parent of a toddler, then you know exactly…